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_______________PHOTOJOURNALISM_IN TIME_______________

mestec kralove a city in present

 Photo Subject to copyright/Sweden/Street Scene© Photo: Mirka Krivankova

Městec Králové is a city located at an altitude of 212 meters above sea level on the border with central Bohemia and the Hradec Králové region. Thanks to its location, it is accessible to all major cities in the area, including Prague. Some of Městce King's municipalities Vineyard and New. Currently a resident population of 2950. The total property area of ​​the village is 1988 ha of arable land occupying sixty percent. The first mention of Mestec Kralove was found in historical sources in 1300. According to legend, the Czech king Premysl Otakar II was born. His birthplace was promoted to the city and gave him many privileges for the royal family, including the symbol of the Czech lion.

Městec Králové is the center of the surrounding villages in agricultural areas. There are all civic amenities - shops, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, vocational schools and OU, district police station, fire station, post office, bank. For leisure there is a swimming pool, sports fields, tennis courts, playground, library, cinema. These photos are taken by Mirka Krivankova, a female photographer from the Czech Republic, she herself comes from Mestec Kralov where she lives. she also works as a nurse at their hospital. Mirka is one of the photographers who collaborates with Street Scene, a worldwide photo blog //// Robert G

 Photo Subject to copyright/Sweden/Street Scene© Photo: Mirka Krivankova

 Images is subject to copyright/Sweden/Street Scene© Photojournalism In Time©Photo:Robert G

Photojournalism in Time Är det senaste webb verktyg inom Street Scene Worldwide photo group. Bildjournalistik är en särskild form av journalistik som skapar bilder för att berätta en nyhet. Nuförtiden är det vanligtvis bara stillbilder, i seriösa nyhetsrapporteringar, som åsyftas. Bildjournalistiken skiljer sig från andra närbesläktade grenar inom fotografin på följande. En bildjournalists vardag går ut på att ständigt anpassa sig och gilla läget. Fotografen ska kunna tänka nytt på en sekund och se sig om efter nya möjligheter inom de snäva ramar som begränsar uppdraget: att göra något visuellt intressant av en verklighet som inte är det, ofta under tidspress och inte sällan med relativt motvilliga modeller. Photojournalism in Time kommer att arbeta genom de riktlinjer som arbetats fram av : The Umbrella Photographic Institute:Images is subject to copyright/Sweden/Street Scene

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