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becoming led zepplin

With their explosive sound and energy, Led Zeppelin conquered the world and from nowhere became an instant landmark in rock history. In "Becoming Led Zeppelin", we get to follow the journey through hypnotic live performances and exclusive statements from the band members, in an experience that takes us closer to the band than ever before on film. Director Bernard MacMahon opens the doors to Led Zeppelin's creative world through their own words and music. Becoming Led Zeppelin depicts the journey of Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, John Bonham and Robert Plant through the 1960s music scene, their meeting in the summer of 1968 and the comet-like success in 1969, which culminated the following year when they became the world's biggest band //// Robert Rggus G

Photojournalism, or photojournalism, is a special form of journalism, it is about the collection, editing and presentation of news material for publication or broadcast, which creates images to tell a news story. These days, only still images, in serious news reporting, are usually referred to. Photojournalism has been an important part of newspaper reporting since the infancy of photography. Robert Rggus G "freelance photographer" is one of those reasons in the present

 Images is subject to copyright/Malmö/Sweden/Street Scen ©Photo:Robert G

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