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 the crossing of world street scene


Hemma, på jobbet och i skolan, finns det stora skillnader mellan hur  människan i Europa lever men också många likheter. Leva, växa upp, åldras,  och hälsan och hur vi upplever vår hälsa. Det belyser inte bara strukturella skillnader utan även ojämlikheter, äta, shoppa, surfa, umgås. Det handlar om kost, sociala vanor, fritidssysselsättning och it-användning, och alkoholkonsumtion. Många likheter men också många olikheter //// Robert G

The intersection of the world Street Scene around the world the daily urban everyday life on the streets and the surroundings all what it means. Different countries but the daily routines of life roll on. The urban environment and everyday life around the world are so different with different cultures. Today there are many cultures that live together, for better or for worse. This global photo blog about just that, human everyday life. Street Scene is a global institution and protects the free image and word. Street Scene thinks it is more important that we get to know each other, we people on our planet. To know how we function with our daily urban routines and chores, around our world.

Images is subject to copyright/Sweden/Street Scene © The World Street © Ph

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